5 Biggest Mistakes that prevent A Blogger To Success!

Mistake 1
Why do you have a blog? What are the benefits for you and your blog readers?

You should be able to answer questions on the blog if you want to have a clear purpose.

     If your blog is to make money, then your goal might be to earn 1 million / month through the sale of digital products.
     If your blog is to establish your expertise in your niche, then your goal might be to get into the list of "top ten" best blog.
     If your blog is created as a means of writing a routine, then your goal might write an article of 500 words every day.

None of the goals were "right" or "wrong" ... but you need to know what you want to achieve, so set clear goals.

Action: Create a primary goal for your blog. Set yourself a medium-term goal (something that realistically can be achieved within one year).

Mistake  2

If you do not make a post for months, then started to make more posts every day for two weeks, just to "skyrocket" and stopped again briefly ... and ... Your readers will eventually leave your blog ..

There are no rules about how often you should post ... but you must be consistent. Keep the frequency of your posts about the same from week to week and month to month. If you decide to make a change, try to gradually phase (and make sure you can keep up the pace).

You can be a bit flexible (eg make a post twice a week and three times), but avoid tdak posting in a long time, then suddenly posting as much as possible.

Action: Make blogging a good rhythm. Remember, quality is better than quantity!

Mistake  3

Many writers who produce an excellent post on his blog, but did not get a reading. Why? Because they do not pay attention to its news format.

Of course, reading the writing on the paper would be much easier than reading on a computer screen. In addition, most visitors to your site will occasionally preoccupied by email, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, etc..
You should do the following:

         Make writing in the form of short paragraphs than you normally do
         Use bulleted to help break up the text and increase the space on the screen
         Use bold text to highlight keywords
         Use subheadings to divide your post into several major sections

Action: Look at your recent posts. Does it look attractive and easy to read? If not, format your paper in a way as above.

Mistake 4

Although most readers will tolerate the occasional typo, but an ever-menrus error can really ruin your chances for success. If your post is full of errors, can you really expect readers to be sure to buy your product or service?

Once you finish posting, try:

     Rest ago for a few hours or even overnight. It's easier to see the error with fresh eyes, of course.
     Read with caution: do not rely on spell checker only. Amend if there is a typo.
     Improve every sentence or paragraph over and over.
     Try to ask a friend about articles that you have created, before you hit "publish".

Action: Make a schedule to edit your blog post before publishing it.

Mistake 5

 This is mostly done by the bloggers. Many bloggers just end the post without giving the reader clues about what to do next.

Hope you know, the last few lines of the post is a great opportunity to encourage the reader to do something (this is called a "call to action" by the owner of the blog).
You could ask them to:

         Up mailing list
         Subscribe to your blog
         leave a Comment
         Buying your product
         Dividing your post to social media
         Or anything else that would be useful for you!

You do not need an invitation pushy or intrusive. You can write something like: If you enjoyed this article, please click here to subscribe to this blog, so you will never miss a post on this blog!

Action: Look at the three most recent posts and show you the end line. Is there a call to action in there? If not, try to add.

If you can avoid the five mistakes above, I am sure your success will be achieved sebagaai blogger. Do not forget to subscribe to our articles via email, so you do not miss reading the latest articles about online business tips.